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Rhayne's Pet Photography

Rhayne's Pet Photography

love never dies . . .

Our pets often give us a special, yet bittersweet, gift - time to say goodbye. Through signs of declining health, veterinary advice and our own moral compass, we have the opportunity to spend the last few months or days of our petīs life making special memories.

Rhayne's Pet Photography aids the healing process by helping to keep memories alive even as our best friend passes over to the rainbow bridge.

Each photo session is special. It is an opportunity to slow down and focus on your friend in a safe and loving environment.

How we shoot is up to you. I can come to your home or we can meet at a favourite park or beach. I also encourage you and the human side of your family to participate in the shoot.

Jaime Brandel, Victoria's natural light photographer

My Story . . . My Passion

Jaime Brandel, Victoria's natural light photographer
I had a cat once, who would blissfully spread his toes wide open every time you rubbed his tummy.  I had a 3 legged hamster named Tripod, who didn't live very long, but I loved him immensely.

I now share my home with an 11 year old Holland Lop bunny who thumps his foot when he's mad at me for clipping his toenails, but licks my forehead when I scratch him under his chin.

The love we give and unconditionally receive from our furry, feathery, scaly, whiskery friends is like no other. The bonds only deepen as our pets reveal to us their funny mannerisms and endearing traits that we are certain are one of a kind.

Each time I photograph someone's beloved pet, I listen closely to the stories that are shared with me.... the funny way the dog sneezes, how the cat loves to drink out of the fish bowl,
the charming way the bird flirts with himself every time he sees his reflection.

It is the personality of that beautiful creature that I am always searching for when I peer through the lens. And I am deeply humbled and moved when I am trusted to capture the
vulnerability and unwavering love shared between an animal and his beloved adopted human. They own us just as much as we think we own them.

There's no question they forever own our hearts.

Note from Jocelyne/Founder of Pet Loss Care Memorial Center:

'Years ago I had the good fortune of meeting by far one of the best pet photographers ever - (see below information on Sue Bird.) When I opened my pet memorial center in Victoria in 2010, I tried to bring Sue to the island for pet shoots but soon discovered the logistics and cost would be prohibitive.

And then I found Jaime Brandel's website and immediately knew I had found someone special! Capturing the soul and beautiful moments as they unfold are a gift that Jaime brings to every photo shoot. Please take a moment to enjoy Jaime's website and portfolio - if a new little furry kid has joined your clan, or you wish to have memories of family get togethers with everyone including the furry kids, Jaime will help you start these memories. If you are a pet parent faced with numbered days, Jaime offers sessions to help you remember that love never dies. . .'

Rhayne's Photography Client Guide & PricesRhayne's Photography Client Guide & Prices
Rhayne's Photography Client Guide & Prices

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Photos By Sue Bird

If you found this page, and you are located in Ottawa, may we recommend a fabulous pet photography, who also specializes in Pet Bereavement - her name is Sue Bird and you can find more information about her wonderful on her website.
Photos By Sue Bird