June 25th, 2012
First pet crematorium in the world to offer a live video stream of all cremations.
Example image of the live stream
In an innovative move to provide completely transparent and ethical pet cremation services, Pet Loss Care Memorial Center in Victoria BC Canada is now the first crematorium in the world to provide a live video stream showing our cremation procedure.
Following recent media stories about deceptive pet crematoriums, we have taken these steps because this is one of the best ways we can
unequivocally guarantee that each and every pet cremated at our facility is done
privately, one single body at a time.
Opening up a pet cremation operation for public scrutiny online has never been done before. New technology makes this possible and we want to give each family that trusts us with the after-care of their deceased companion complete assurance of our process. This live stream helps provide that assurance, both to our existing customers and to anyone considering cremation.
Families have always been welcome to visit our facility, and be present during the cremation procedure. We have also been recording video of all our cremation procedures and maintain these recordings in a secure archive for a period of one year. Families may request to view the video certification of their petīs private cremation during that time. The new public video stream takes this a step further, making our operation as completely transparent as we know how.
Some may find this an extraordinarily bold step to take, perhaps even unnecessary, however we feel it is the only way to truly prove that the pets entrusted to us are cremated alone in the chamber. Since we have nothing to hide, there is no reason not to show anyone who wishes to see exactly what we do at any time.