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May 3rd, 2014

Two years ago I took home the love of my life . . . Ash.

Just over two years ago I walked into the BC SPCA one day after work. It was love at first life changed forever; I took home the love of my life... Ash.

We've had our many challenges and interesting moments... chewing the entire inside of my SUV. Twice. Shredding my carpet, blinds, and a few blankets/dog beds. Running away in the pitch dark across a busy street. And not to mention the many times you roll in dog feces and I have to bath you while trying to hold back from vomiting.

But with all that comes the good, wonderful, and heartwarming moments... I wake up everyday knowing you're there, doing your yoga stretches to start the day. When I get out of bed you jump up and take my warm spot waiting to be covered by blankets until it's time to go.

You do not beg, you hardly bark (and when you do it's because you're protecting me), you play like a puppy on occasion when you're not being an old man, and best of all when I pick you up after work you're just as excited to come home as you are to go to daycare.

When you're happy you howl and it makes my heart smile. You frolic when chasing the ball because you're so excited - I'm smiling so hard my face hurts. You're the most awkward dog I've ever met and make me laugh every day.

I love you more than words can say. I never thought I could love you more than I already do but when I tell you everyday that I love you it grows more.

For better or for worse, when we're together or apart, you're always in my heart.

Thank you Penny Stone for being a part of the adoption process.
Thank you Pet Pampering for taking care of my little monkey during the day.
And most of all, thank you to Linda Knapp for being the best grandma to my furkid anyone could ask for.

NOTE from Pet Loss Care:
Every once in a while, I come across a story that touches my heart strings. This particular story about Ash, with the many challenges along the way, and the unending love shared, proves to me that the human-animal bond is alive and well!! This family shows that it is a commitment to bring an animal companion into your life, for better or for worse - and do you think Ash is a happy boy? Oh yeah..... Thank You Jen Knapp for sharing your tale and letting potential pet parents see the true devotion and unconditional love 'rescues' are so capable of....

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