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February 28th, 2006-March 16th, 2014
Our sweet and loving Kiya left us way too soon. A genetic disorder, Pyruvate Kinase deficiency, apparently led to her premature death. We'll love you forever.
Kiya Kiya
Color: Silver Egyptian Mau
Favorite Activity: Playing, especially with bubbles & her toy shrimp, sunning, and hanging out with her people.
Favorite Buddies: Our new puppy, Penny, who knew very quickly, Kiya was the top dog.
Favorite Food: Anything!!! But she did have a weakness for cheese and frothed milk.
Favorite Place: The top of her cat post, her new bed, her Nana's bed, and most of all, her people's' laps.
Favorite Toy: Shrimp (we had to always make sure we had backups)
Gender: Female
Nickname(s): Ki-kins
As with most Maus, Kiya was an incredibly smart, loyal and social cat. She loved being with her people. She was very vocal, especially around meal time. She taught her people to do tricks and they would play fetch with her. Towards the end, she also taught her people more patience, kindness, and acceptance.

Our sweet and loving Kiya left us way too soon. A genetic disorder, Pyruvate Kinase deficiency, apparently led to her premature death. We'll love you forever Ki-kins.

Hugs and chin scratches, Momma & Nana
Comments (7 )
A dear kitty.
March 19th, 2014 04:39:58
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